Scott's Guide to Food and Cooking

Harnessing The Power Of Crushed Chilli In Your Cooking

14 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Crushed chilli is a versatile spice that adds a fiery kick to countless dishes. Whether you're a spice enthusiast or simply looking to add some heat to your meals, incorporating crushed chilli into your cooking can elevate the flavour profile and take your culinary adventures to new levels. Enhancing the Heat: The primary purpose of crushed chilli is to bring the heat. Adding a sprinkle of crushed chilli to your recipes allows you to control the level of spiciness according to your preference. Read More …

Essential Tips for Newbie Caterers

23 October 2020
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Blog

Australia's catering industry is estimated to be worth $5.6 billion. The statistics are encouraging for startups because there is a chance to grab a slice of the market. However, the catering industry can be intimidating, especially for newbies unfamiliar with the rules and regulations. However, it does not mean that the catering industry is not rewarding. All you need are a few tips for navigating the service industry. This article highlights practical tips for startup caterers. Read More …

3 Reasons to Pick a Well-Marbled Cut at Your Next Steakhouse Visit

24 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you go to a good steak restaurant, they might let you choose your own piece of meat. It's a more important decision than you might think, and the most crucial thing to look for is marbling. Marbling is the rather evocative name given to cuts of meat with a high intramuscular fat content. This refers to the fat between muscles fibres, not just the big hunks of fat you'll see in the middle or along the edges of some cuts. Read More …

3 Ideas To Plan A Scrumptious-But-Safer First Birthday Cake For Your Baby

28 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Is your baby reaching his or her first birthday? It's a bittersweet moment for parents who love watching their baby cross milestones but want time to stand still as well. If you're planning a birthday party to celebrate your little one's first birthday and want to look at alternative options for scrumptious-but-safer cakes, let these ideas help you. Choose a bakery that makes custom cakes so you can have exactly what you want. Read More …

Tips for Buying and Storing Garlic Cloves for Your Restaurant

27 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you are in the hotel industry, you have to learn the art of buying food supplies in bulk. Wholesale purchases allow you to enjoy discounts on food products. Also, you don't have to make multiple orders every week when you need to make certain meals for your clients. One of the ingredients that are prevalently used today is garlic. You will find it in sauces, salads, stir-fries and all sorts of dishes that are served in eatery businesses. Read More …